A Brief Biography
Director and Professor (retired)
Dr Engineer Werner Gitt,
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- 1937
- Born in Raineck, East Prussia (Germany)
- 1963–1968
- Completed his studies as engineer (Diplom Ingenieur) at the Technical University of Hannover.
- 1968–1971
- Assistant at the Institute of Control Engineering at the Technical University of Aachen. Following 2 years of research work, he received his doctorate summa cum laude.
- 1971–2002
- Director and professor of the Information Technology Division at the German Federal Institute of Physics and Technology (PTB) in Braunschweig, Germany.
- 1978
- Promoted to director and professor at the PTB. Research in the field of information science, numerical mathematics and control engineering.
His many original research findings have been published in scientific journals.
Author of several popular books on the subject of biblical faith and science.
He and Marion have been married since 1996 and have two adult children.