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Evangelistische Verteilschriften


Prof. Dr. Werner Gitt

Vom 'Denken zum Glauben

An interview with Prof. Dr Werner Gitt conducted by Pastor Dr Joachim Cochlovius. He asks questions about the wonders of creation from a biblical point of view.

Gitt, an information scientist and former director of a prestigious German institute of physics and technology, is convinced that all the statements of the Bible are true and trustworthy. In his books, he often deals with the wonders of creation from a scientific viewpoint.

Dr Cochlovius asks, for example, about Dr Gitt’s website slogan, ‘From reasoning to faith’: "What do you mean by that? Can we find God by thinking and reasoning?”


10 Pages, Order No. 133-0, Printing and shipping costs | Eindruck einer Kontaktadresse

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