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Tschechische Verteilschriften


Prof. Dr. Werner Gitt

Czech: Bionics - Learning from God's ideas

Bionika – poučení z Božích idejí

10 Pages, Order No. 136-2, Printing and shipping costs


Prof. Dr. Werner Gitt

Czech: How can I get to Heaven?

Jak se dostanu do nebe?

8 Pages, Order No. 120-2

Dieses Traktat steht derzeit nur als Download zur Verfügung. Ab einer Bestellmenge von 1.000 Stück geben wir es für Sie gern in den Druck. Bitte wenden Sie sich an uns! / This tract is currently only available as a download. But we will gladly go to print for an order of 1,000 or more. Please contact us!


Prof. Dr. Werner Gitt

Czech: Is Jesus really necessary?

Jde to také bez Ježíše?

10 Pages, Order No. 134-2, Printing and shipping costs


Prof. Dr. Werner Gitt

Czech: Jesus - Lord of space and time

Ježíš - Pán nad prostorem a časem

12 Pages, Order No. 139-2, Printing and shipping costs


Prof. Dr. Werner Gitt

Czech: Man – an Ingenious Construction

Člověk – geniální konstrukce?

10 Pages, Order No. 129-2, Printing and shipping costs

127-2 Reise-tschechisch

Prof. Dr. Werner Gitt

Czech: One-way Journey

Cesta bez návratu

10 Pages, Order No. 127-2, Printing and shipping costs


Prof. Dr. Werner Gitt

Czech: Refuting Evolution by Scientific Laws

Přírodní zákony popírají evoluci

10 Pages, Order No. 131-2, Printing and shipping costs


Prof. Dr. Werner Gitt

Czech: The Earth – An Exceptional Planet

Naše Země – úžasná planeta

10 Pages, Order No. 130-2, Printing and shipping costs


Werner Gitt

Czech: The Greatest Invitation

Největší pozvání

10 Pages, Order No. 128-2, Printing and shipping costs


Prof. Dr. Werner Gitt

Czech: What Darwin couldn´t know

Co Darwin ještě nemohl vědět

8 Pages, Order No. 124-2, Printing and shipping costs


Prof. Dr. Werner Gitt

Czech: What does Covid-19 have to do with God?

Co má koronavirus společného s Bohem?

10 Pages, Order No. 143-2, Printing and shipping costs


Prof. Dr. Werner Gitt

Czech: Who is the Designer?

Kdo je Stvořitel?

8 Pages, Order No. 123-2, Printing and shipping costs


Prof. Dr. Werner Gitt

Czech: Why as a scientist I believe the Bible

Proč jako vědec věřím Bibli

12 Pages, Order No. 140-2, Printing and shipping costs


Prof. Dr. Werner Gitt

Czech: Why is there so much Sorrow?

Proč je tolik utrpení?

10 Pages, Order No. 132-2, Printing and shipping costs


Prof. Dr. Werner Gitt

Czech: … and He DOES exist!

A přece existuje - náš Bůh!

8 Pages, Order No. 125-2, Printing and shipping costs


Steffen Becker

Tschechisch: Die Sehnsucht eines LKW-Fahrers

Touha jednoho kamioňáka

8 Pages, Order No. 34-2, Printing and shipping costs