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Evangelistische Verteilschriften


Prof. Dr. Werner Gitt

One of the more recent scientific findings is that life on earth depends fundamentally on the laws of nature and in particular the specific values of the natural constants.

We live in an ever-changing world. The historical sciences attempt to keep track of and record these changes . Is there really nothing in this world that remains the same? According to our established knowledge of physics, there is – the laws of nature, and the natural constants, are not subject to change.

These provide powerful evidence of God.

10 Pages, Order No. 135-0

Dieses Traktat steht derzeit nur als Download zur Verfügung. Ab einer Bestellmenge von 1.000 Stück geben wir es für Sie gern in den Druck. Bitte wenden Sie sich an uns! / This tract is currently only available as a download. But we will gladly go to print for an order of 1,000 or more. Please contact us!

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