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Tracts in Polish


Prof. Dr. Werner Gitt

Co wspólnego ma koronawirus z Bogiem?

Never before has an illness brought the whole world to its knees as in the northern spring of 2020, when the coronavirus brought public life to a standstill.

The shutdown was ordered, events were cancelled, universities, schools and day-care centres were closed. Football games took place in front of empty ranks. Worship services were forbidden—something unheard of even in wartime.

We search for an explanation for this pandemic. Who will give it to us?

10 Pages, Order No. 143-20, Printing and shipping costs | Eindruck einer Kontaktadresse

Vom Ziel her leben. Die Zeit ist kurz, o Mensch, sei weise und nutze jeden Augenblick Kann es sein, dass es jenseits der drei von uns fassbaren Dimensionen noch... more  
Fragen über Jesus Christus
Gibt es eine Generalamnestie für die Sünden aller Menschen? Aufgrund des Kreuzestodes Jesu bietet Gott allen Menschen das Heil an, darum... more