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Tracts in Georgian


Prof. Dr. Werner Gitt

"How can I get to heaven?" - The fundamental question asked by those searching is answered here by Werner Gitt. It is definitely not through our own efforts or ideas. So what really does get us to heaven?

God has already sent out the invitations to heaven, like in the parable of the man who was preparing a great feast, but many still made excuses. Prof. Dr Gitt urges us not to be as shortsighted as these were. Jesus wants to save us from hell, which, as terrible as the ‘hell of Auschwitz’ was, will be incomparably worse. He has already paid for our sins on the cross. We only need to accept His invitation, and then our place in heaven is ’booked’. The tract includes a suggested prayer to help readers in making their own decision. A particularly suitable tract to pass on to seekers.

8 Pages, Order No. 120-58, Printing and shipping costs | Eindruck einer Kontaktadresse

Jesu wirksame Kraft in dir Stell dir vor, du möchtest mit dem Auto losfahren. Du drehst den Schlüssel um,... more  
Fragen über Jesus Christus
Gibt es eine Generalamnestie für die Sünden aller Menschen? Aufgrund des Kreuzestodes Jesu bietet Gott allen Menschen das Heil an, darum... more