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Englische Verteilschriften


Prof. Dr. Werner Gitt

Is there Life in the Universe?

Apart from the currently overriding issues of corona crisis and climate change, hardly any other enduring idea is given as much attention as the question of whether there is life elsewhere in the vastness of the universe.

Inspired by the theory of evolution, it is widely believed that life can arise on its own if only the appropriate physical and chemical conditions are met. The ever-growing number of newly discovered exoplanets encourages speculation about extraterrestrial life.This document examines from a scientific and biblical perspective whether this hope of finding ET life is justified.

16 Pages, Order No. 142-3, Printing and shipping costs

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Fragen über Jesus Christus
Glauben Sie, dass Jesus von einer Jungfrau geboren wurde? Das Wunder der jungfräulichen Geburt Jesu Christi hat viele Menschen verwirrt... more