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Französische Verteilschriften


Dr. Albrecht Kellner

Brazilian: Is Jesus really necessary?

Y a-t-il un vaccin contre la guerre ?

8 Pages, Order No. 54-4, Printing and shipping costs


Steffen Becker

Französisch: Die Sehnsucht eines LKW-Fahrers

La recherche d’un chauffeur routier

8 Pages, Order No. 34-4, Printing and shipping costs


Wilhelm Pahls

Französisch: Die wichtigste Entscheidung im Leben

La décision la plus importante de la vie

8 Pages, Order No. 5-4, Printing and shipping costs


Yvonne Schwengeler

Französisch: Namhafte Wissenschaftler contra Evolution

De célèbres scientifiques rejettent la théorie de l‘évolution

8 Pages, Order No. 50-4, Printing and shipping costs


Wilhelm Pahls

Französisch: Religion oder Evangelium

Religion ou Evangile

28 Pages, Broschüre, Order No. 22-4, Printing and shipping costs


Prof. Dr. Werner Gitt

French: And He Exists!

Et pourtant – Dieu existe!

8 Pages, Order No. 125-4, Printing and shipping costs


Prof. Dr. Werner Gitt

French: Crib, Cross and Crown

Crèche, Croix, Couronne

8 Pages, Order No. 122-4, Printing and shipping costs


Prof. Dr. Werner Gitt

French: How can I get to heaven?

Comment puis-je aller au ciel?

8 Pages, Order No. 120-4, Printing and shipping costs


Prof. Dr. Werner Gitt

French: Is Jesus really necessary?

Peut-on se passer de Jésus ?

10 Pages, Order No. 134-4, Printing and shipping costs


Prof. Dr. Werner Gitt

French: Man – an Ingenious Construction

L’homme – une construction géniale?

10 Pages, Order No. 129-4, Printing and shipping costs


Prof. Dr. Werner Gitt

French: Miracles in the Bible

Les miracles de la Bible

10 Pages, Order No. 126-4, Printing and shipping costs

127-4 Reise-französisch

Prof. Dr. Werner Gitt

French: One-way Journey

Le voyage sans retour

10 Pages, Order No. 127-4, Printing and shipping costs


Prof. Dr. Werner Gitt

French: Refuting Evolution by Scientific Laws

La réfutation de l’évolution par les lois de la nature

10 Pages, Order No. 131-4, Printing and shipping costs


Prof. Dr. Werner Gitt

French: The Earth – An Exceptional Planet

Notre Terre – Une planète exceptionnelle

10 Pages, Order No. 130-4, Printing and shipping costs


Werner Gitt

French: The Greatest Invitation

La plus grande des invitations

10 Pages, Order No. 128-4, Printing and shipping costs


Prof. Dr. Werner Gitt

French: The proof of God’s existence—through love

Dieu existe : la preuve par l’amour

10 Pages, Order No. 144-4, Printing and shipping costs


Prof. Dr. Werner Gitt

French: What Darwin couldn´t know

Ce que Darwin ne pouvait pas savoir

10 Pages, Order No. 124-4, Printing and shipping costs


Prof. Dr. Werner Gitt

French: What does Covid-19 have to do with God?

Quel rapport existe-t-il entre la pandémie de la COVID et Dieu?

10 Pages, Order No. 143-4, Printing and shipping costs


Prof. Dr. Werner Gitt

French: Who is the Designer?

Qui est le Créateur?

8 Pages, Order No. 123-4, Printing and shipping costs


Prof. Dr. Werner Gitt

French: Why as a scientist I believe the Bible

Pourquoi un scientifique croit la Bible

12 Pages, Order No. 140-4, Printing and shipping costs


Prof. Dr. Werner Gitt

French: Why is there so much Sorrow?

Pourquoi la souffrance?

10 Pages, Order No. 132-4, Printing and shipping costs

6000 Punkte für den Himmel Herr Weber ist ein ganz normaler Mensch. »Tue recht und scheue niemand!« ist... more  
Fragen über Jesus Christus
Glauben Sie, dass Jesus von einer Jungfrau geboren wurde? Das Wunder der jungfräulichen Geburt Jesu Christi hat viele Menschen verwirrt... more