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Rumänische Verteilschriften


Prof. Dr. Werner Gitt

Minunile Bibliei

At first glance miracles seem unrealistic in our time because we are strongly influenced by science. The second half of the last century in particular has seen amazing revelations and progress in scientific and technical fields.

Man has travelled to the moon. Dolly the sheep has been cloned and the human genome has also been sequenced. Can we believe in the miracles of the Bible in such enlightened times as ours? The resurrection of the dead, the healing of the sick or physical miracles like the instant calming of the storm on the Lake of Galilee — are they still acceptable for us today?

Author and scientist Werner Gitt deals with these and similar issues in this tract.

10 Pages, Order No. 126-6

Dieses Traktat steht derzeit nur als Download zur Verfügung. Ab einer Bestellmenge von 1.000 Stück geben wir es für Sie gern in den Druck. Bitte wenden Sie sich an uns! / This tract is currently only available as a download. But we will gladly go to print for an order of 1,000 or more. Please contact us!

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