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Warum ich als Wissenschaftler der Bibel glaube - in weiteren Sprachen


Prof. Dr. Werner Gitt

Chinese: Why as a scientist I believe the Bible


12 Pages, Order No. 140-39, Printing and shipping costs


Prof. Dr. Werner Gitt

Czech: Why as a scientist I believe the Bible

Proč jako vědec věřím Bibli

12 Pages, Order No. 140-2, Printing and shipping costs


Prof. Dr. Werner Gitt

English: Why as a scientist I believe the Bible

Why as a scientist I believe the Bible

12 Pages, Order No. 140-3, Printing and shipping costs


Prof. Dr. Werner Gitt

French: Why as a scientist I believe the Bible

Pourquoi un scientifique croit la Bible

12 Pages, Order No. 140-4, Printing and shipping costs


Prof. Dr. Werner Gitt

German: Why do I, as a scientist, believe that the Bible is true?

12 Pages, DIN-A5, Broschüre, Order No. 140-0, Printing and shipping costs


Prof. Dr. Werner Gitt

Russian: Why as a scientist I believe the Bible

Почему как учёный я верю Библии?

12 Pages, Order No. 140-1, Printing and shipping costs

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