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Tracts in Dutch


Prof. Dr. Werner Gitt

Waarom is er zoveel leed en de dood in onze wereld?

There is hardly a question that concerns people as much as this one. It particularly tends to emerge in discussions about God.

Many claim that if there is a loving and powerful God, then there should be no suffering or sorrow in this world, and no death! Is this statement true?

Logically, there can be four different answers to the question of why God allows suffering and death in the world:

1) Either God wants do away with the suffering, but cannot,
2) or God can and does not want to,
3) or God both cannot and does not want to,
4) or God can and wants to.

But what is the right answer? This is what this tract clarifies!

10 Pages, Order No. 132-27, Printing and shipping costs | Eindruck einer Kontaktadresse

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