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Books in Turkish


Prof. Dr. Werner Gitt

Turkish: Heaven – Your Eternal Home?

Cennet – senin de yerin orası mı?

92 Pages, Taschenbuch, Order No. 548526, bulk prices

€ 2,90
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Yildiz, Jasmin

Turkish: I wasn´t told the half of it

Bana yarısını bile söylemediler

Foreword and epilogue by Werner Gitt
A particularly fascinating story in the Old Testament is that of the journey of the Queen of Sheba to King Solomon. Two extraordinary personalities from human history meet here.

168 Pages, Taschenbuch, Order No. 548188

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Werner Gitt

Turkish: If Animals could talk

Eğer hayvanlar konuşabilseydi ler ...

112 Pages, Taschenbuch, Order No. 256160, bulk prices

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Jasmin Yildiz

Turkish: No Journey Too Far

90 Pages, Taschenbuch, Order No. 548103

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Werner Gitt

Turkish: Questions I have always wanted to ask

Sorular Her Zaman Sormak istediğim Sorular

192 Pages, Taschenbuch, Order No. 255578

Dieser Artikel ist nur als PDF-Download verfügbar. / This item is only available as a PDF download.


Werner Gitt

Turkish: What about the other religions?

Ve diğer dinler?

160 Pages, Taschenbuch, Order No. 256152, bulk prices

Dieser Artikel ist nur als PDF-Download verfügbar. / This item is only available as a PDF download.